Product Roadmap

This is a live document, and will be updated regularly. To submit an idea, or to view a list of feature requests and ideas that we're considering, check out our GitHub Discussions

Latest Features

LMS Customization

Right in your settings you can customize what you students see in their dashboard in few clicks.

Course Newsfeed

You can now send a broadcast message to all the students participating in your course right from our dashboard.

Multi language support

Our dashboard now supports 7 new languages. In addition, we allow you create course content in those any of those languages.

Security RLS

All the tables we've created now have role level security enabled by default

Increased video limit

You can now upload a single video of about 500mb without interruption.

More certificate templates

We have shipped 4 more certificate templates in which you can choose from right within your course dashboard

Upcoming Features


This feature gives you the ability to group courses into folder which we are calling - Pathways. Students can complete a series of courses before getting a certificate

Embedable Course

You can embed selected course form ClassroomIO on any website of your choice

Landing page builder

With more templates and pages, we will allow educators create simple web pages using our platform to showcase their programs and offerings.


Educators can easily track students course completion rating, understand what topics are not clearly understood and much more.

Share Your First Course With Your Audience In Minutes

In about 4 Clicks you can already start creating courses.

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